So, is was So-So.

Last week’s powerful swims have turned into this week’s lethargic swims. I guess that happens; leave it to Life to provide balance like that. I’d like to blame it on the continued gray weather we’re having, but that argument won’t hold up. Maybe I can blame it on a case of the Mondays. Yes. I will do that. Screw you, Monday!


The workout was pretty good, and we finished with 30 seconds to spare. Just in the nick of time!

  • 350 free warm-up

  • 2 rounds: 25 kick, 50 drill, 75 swim, 50 drill, 25 kick

  • 50-100-200-100-50 free

  • 200-50-100-50-200 free

  • 100-200-50-200-100 free