It's Been Almost 2 Weeks!

Whew, I went almost two weeks without a swim! Yikes! I’ve had lots of evening time plans and a short trip over the last few days, as well as my weekly class, so I didn’t have the time or opportunity to make it to the pool. I was able to get a few workouts in from running (3 runs!) and then some light manual labor during our trip to Washington (I learned how to use a chainsaw!). In any case, it felt amazing to jump in and get a good hard swim in. We did just over 2,700 yards over the course of the hour; not too shabby!

  • 300 free warm-up

  • 25 easy, 25 breath control, 50 kick, 100 free

  • 25 easy, 25 breath control, 50 kick, 200 free

  • 25 easy, 25 breath control, 50 kick, 300 free

  • 400 free hard, 100 free easy

  • 300 free hard, 100 free easy

  • 200 free hard, 100 free easy

  • 100 free hard, 100 free easy

  • 75, 50, 25 free
