Swim Stories: Jiri Jaros
Jiri Jaros
Swim Club: Tyrs Swimming
Twitter: @jiri_jaros
Instagram: @jirijaros
I’m excited to share Jiri’s Swim Story with you today! Jiri initially reached out to me via instagram, tagging DiP in a few swimming pool photos. I looked through them and realized he lives in Czechia, swimming in and around Prague. The photos are gorgeous and the pools look like they would be amazing to swim in. I have Prague on my travel list so I’ll be sure to go swimming when I visit!
He’s a fellow traveler, as well; in the image above he is swimming at Barcelona’s Piscines Bernat Picornell, built in 1970 for the European Aquatics Championships and used in the 1992 Summer Olympics.
Where do you swim?
Mostly in Prague where I also live. There is an architecturally and technically unique pool - Swimming Stadium Podoli. Outdoor pool (50m) is open the whole year thanks to the fact that water is warmed in studios of Czech Television which are on the hill above the pool and water is used to cool them down instead of classic air condition.
However, my hometown is Dvur Kralove nad Labem and there is also my “home-pool” - Tyrs Swimming Pool. Our family has a small cabin there - no. 15 every year - rented for the whole summer. We know each swimmer by name and we organize an annual triathlon on the first weekend of September every year. We celebrated the 85th anniversary of the foundation last year.
The Tyrs Swimming Pool in Dvur Kralove nad Labem. Photo by Jiri.
When – and how – did you learn to swim?
I was supposed to learn how during swimming classes in the second grade of elementary school. However, I was scared of the pool depth and I learned to swim lately in summer - thanks to my father's effort.
What is your favorite stroke? How could you improve your swim workout?
Freestyle and fly. I should definitely work on lower drag and dolphin kick.
Where and how often do you swim?
I swim at Swimming Stadium Podoli in Prague and Tyrs' Swimming Pool in Dvur Kralove nad Labem, which is not named after the TYR brand, but Miroslav Tyrs, Czech sports organizer from the 19th century. I swim every second day for 1 hour straight without feeling guilty in case I miss some training.
What kind of goggles do you prefer, and why?
I prefer smaller goggles with two stripes and a bit of rubber seal. I have two pieces of Arena Tracks, one with reflective lenses which are amazing during summer.
What is in your swim bag?
Goggles, Funky Trunks, microfiber towel, silicone cap, a bit of shampoo, slippers, and a bottle of water.
Are there any products or gear you especially love? What would you recommend?
For outdoor swimming, I totally recommend Arena Tracks Mirror Goggles - reflecting the sun could be really annoying. They are comfy for long distances and I don't feel any extra drag. And Funky Trunks. It doesn't matter which design, but their material is very resistant. No matter if you swim in the sea or pool.
What do you want to try that you haven’t ever done before (stroke clinic, ocean swim, triathlon, swim meet, etc.)
I would like to participate in Iron Man relay as a swimmer and I found myself being attracted by coast and ocean swimming.
The 2018 Death Games Triathlon; Jiri, I think you are well on your way to an Iron Man! See more pics from the 2018 event and RSVP for this year’s event on the Tyrs Swimming club page.
What do you think about when you swim?
If you could swim anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Bondi Icebergs; Sundlaugin á Hofsósi (Iceland), and Lake Michigan.
What is your favorite thing about public pools? What could they do better?
They attract a special kind of people who couldn't be met anywhere else. (I feel like) cities should do better in terms of their financing, conditions, and reconstructions.
Do you prefer indoor or outdoor pools?
Definitely outdoor.
Do you have a favorite type of water treatment or water temperature to swim in?
In terms of temperature, it's 21-22 °C.
What time of day do you prefer to swim?
I don't prefer any time. Every part of the day has some essential feeling, pros, and cons. There are more people in the morning and I have to wake up early, but the cafeteria is out of hot dogs after 10 am and you don't want that to happen.
Why do you swim?
It's refreshing, it's smooth. It can be challenging and painful. It needs discipline but gives you a new dimension of movement. It's an inimitable combination of the spiritual and physical worlds.
The Zuiderbad Pool in Amsterdam. It opened in 1912 with central heating and electricity, allowing the pool to remain open during winter. Photo by Jiri Jaros.