One Month Left of Swimming in 2019

It is so hard to believe that 2019 is almost over. 2020 is just a few weeks away. Guess I better make the most of my swims the rest of this year. Even though it is hard to get up in the morning and it takes way more coordination (packing of work outfit, drying hair, make-up), I have come to appreciate the morning swim. I think it is good for my body, and it has pushed me to drink a little less each evening and get to bed early. All good things.

  • 450 warm-up

  • 100 free, 2 x 50 kick

  • 200 free, 2 x 50 stroke

  • 100 free, 2 x 50 free

  • 4 rounds 150 free, 100 free

  • 3 rounds, 100 free, 50 free

  • 100 cool down
