A Change is Afoot

I being a new job next week, and I’m worried that I won’t be able to swim as much. There are so many scenarios I could choose for a workout schedule - and I want it all figured out before I start - but I know I need to see how the first few weeks behave before coming up with a new schedule.

My plan for next week is to take the train to work, so that means I can’t haul around my swim bag. The SCAQ workouts don’t line up with my new 9-6 work day, so I think I’ll be sure to run on Mon/Wed/Fri and then get my swim in on the weekend.

This is what I would do when I was just getting back into swimming a few years ago - run during the week, swim on Saturday and Sunday. I know that I will miss my weekday swims, so what I’m hoping is that I can work the 6:30 am swim at the Culver City Plunge into the schedule, then head to DTLA for a 9 am-ish start.

  • 300 warm-up

  • 4 rounds, 3 x 50 free, back, kick

  • 200, 200, 100

  • 200, 150, 100

  • 200, 100, 100

  • 200, 50, 100
