Best Pool in Los Angeles

The best public swimming pool in Los Angeles is the John Argue Swim Stadium in Exposition Park.


I said it.

But seriously: I always have my own lane. The pool is outdoors, but is shaded in the afternoon and winter. The water temperature is perfect. The length is meters so you get an extra bit of distance. There are plenty of kick boards and pull buoys - and they all look like new. Did I say I always have my own lane? Yes. The depth of the pool is perfect - not too shallow on the shallow side. The best part? It hosted two Olympic games - 1932 and 1989, so if you swim in the lanes, you are swimming in the wake of Olympians.

It’s just lovely. Absolutely lovely. And today was the perfect day to be there.

  • 1000 free

  • 250 pull, 250 kick, 250 pull

  • 400 kick

  • 6 x 50 half free, half back

  • 50 cool down
