A 43 Degree Morning

Weather in Los Angeles has certainly been all over the map. In the last seven days we have had: four days of continuous rain, 85 degree weather, a cold windstorm, a Santa Ana Winds windstorm, and now a 43 degree morning. On any given day I’m wearing between 1 - 4 layers of clothing so that I can add or reduce as needed.

That said, having a 43 degree morning meant that a 77 degree pool wasn’t bad. That’s right, a 77 degree pool, which Culver City Plunge believes is “frigid”. I say it’s basically normal. Most pools, I believe, aim for 78 - 80 degrees, instead of the 82 - 85 that Culver keeps.


The workout today was a series of 500 meter sets, so it was all kind of a slog.

  • 300 free warm-up

  • 500 free

  • 200 kick

  • 500 free

  • 200, 200, 100 free

  • easy 100 free

  • 5x100 free

  • 100 cool-down

See what I mean? A slog.