Swim Stories: Michael Todoran
Michael Todoran
Website: http://larchitect.org/
Twitter: @larchitectpod
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Michael is a landscape architect and a co-host on The Landscape Architecture Podcast. He learned how to swim as a kid, and after joining the Coast Guard hired a coach for private lessons and was told he could have been a professional swimmer. He recently started swimming again at the Culver Plunge as well as in the ocean. I have never been brave enough for an ocean swim, so I am seriously impressed! Here is Michael’s story.
When – and how – did you learn to swim?
I learned to swim during summer trips to Aunts and Uncles house in Palm Springs when I was about 5 years old.
What is your favorite stroke? How could you improve your swim workout?
Freestyle, and I could improve on flip turns and overall smoothness in the water.
Where and how often do you swim?
I swim at the Culver Plunge, in Culver City, California. I’ve just started my regimen again, but when I’m in a groove I like to swim about three times a week.
Photo by Michael Todoran
What kind of goggles do you prefer, and why?
I had really nice pair of Speedo goggles that had a light sunglass tint, large glass surface, and expandable area for the bridge of the nose. I just lost them and must find a similar pair, because I can’t stand the pair I have now. I have a prominent nose and the expandable bridge in the other goggles made them really comfortable. I didn’t appreciate their large lens until I bought these temporary goggles that that are small.
What is in your swim bag?
Trunks, goggles, a small towel, and thin flip flops. I have a very small backpack and I usually bike to the pool or swim spot. I despise carrying a lot of things.
Are there any products or gear you especially love? What would you recommend?
I remember when I switched from swimming with board shorts to a proper Speedo. The difference was amazing. I bought the longer length style, but I should get over being insecure about my body and buy the small ones. I bet they feel more freeing.
What do you want to try that you haven’t ever done before (stroke clinic, ocean swim, triathlon, swim meet, etc.)
I’d love to do a non-competitive triathlon, like something I do on my own. I would swim against myself with no other people, or maybe one or two friends. Any takers?
What do you think about when you swim?
Everything until nothing, and then everything again (repeat). I spend a lot of time thinking about my form. Sometimes I think it would be okay to pee, but I never do. I save that for ocean swims.
If you could swim anywhere in the world, where would it be?
The Bondi Pool in Sydney, Australia.
Photo by Corevette
What is your favorite thing about public pools? What could they do better?
My favorite thing about public pools is seeing the older Asian women exercising. It is so inspiring.
If you ever had a coach, what is something they said or taught you that stays with you to this day?
I hired a private coach when I was in the Coast Guard. Just for personal enrichment. After a couple of weeks working together he stopped me in the middle of swim and with the utmost sincerity he said that I could have swam competitively. I made me very sad that I missed that window to compete.
Do you prefer indoor or outdoor pools?
Outdoor pools. I love swimming in the rain.
Do you have a favorite type of water treatment or water temperature to swim in?
I don’t know enough about water treatments, but temperature-wise, the water should feel cold when I first get in, but then just right after one lap. I have a very tough time in warm pools
What time of day do you prefer to swim?
Early morning, or sunset. As an artist and photographer, I love the light these magic hours produce and the hues of cyan in the sky.
Why do you swim?
When I was kid I always wanted to fly like Superman. Then my form is good, and cardio is good, the swim feel more like an effortless glide and I’m flying through the air.
Would you like to share your swim story with us? If so, please contact us to get started!