Saturday Afternoon Swim

June 17, 2017

This afternoon was absolutely gorgeous. Days like this make me grateful to live in Southern California and that I have access to such amazing swimming pools. The Santa Monica Swim Center is one of my favorites, and since I needed to return a few purchases at a nearby mall, my day was running smoothly, too.

I arrived at the tail end of a SCAQ workout, so I hung out while they finished so I could jump in and get my own lane (there were a few lanes open, but each one had at least 3 swimmers in it, so I was happy to wait).

This particular workout had a pretty funny moment. I was almost done with the 300 pull when I realized there was a third swimmer in the lane (a second person had jumped in during my 800). I nearly swam into him, so we stopped at then end of the lane to touch base. I asked him if we should circle swim, and if he had told the other lady in our lane. He said, “no, I didn’t tell him anything, that is your responsibility since you jumped in this lane”. I looked at him like he was nuts, and he looked at me the same way. After some back and forth, he realized that he had accidentally swam under a lane line into our lane. The sheepish look on his face was priceless. Poor guy.

After the 200 pull, I was taking a short break at the start of my lane and looked into the next. A lady was also resting, and we caught each other’s eye. We realized that we knew each other from the Monday night SCAQ swims. Small world!

The Workout:

  • 800 free
  • 300 pull
  • 400 free
  • 200 pull
  • 200 free
  • 100 pull
  • 50 free, cool down