Monday Evening SCAQ Swim

June 12, 2017

This swim was really challenging and, ultimately, rewarding. In addition to myself, there were three other ladies in my lane and we were matched in our skill. The intervals were timed so that we had very little rest between the next swim. Despite that, we made every interval, even if there only 2 seconds to stop and start! Victory! My arms felt like concrete at the end.

One key thing I did during this swim was breath with every stroke. Previous posts mentioned workouts with Coach Clay Evans who consistently called me out for breathing every three strokes. This week’s workout really required all the oxygen that a breath with each stroke could provide! I had a lot of practice with this technique and by the end of the evening it felt almost natural. Victory!

The Workout:

  • 400 warm up
  • 8x50 swim
  • 150 swim with 4x75
  • 2x150 swim with 4x75
  • 3x150 swim with 4 x 75; each interval the 150 is done 5 seconds faster and the 75 done 5 seconds slower