Monday Night SCAQ Swim

February 27, 2017

During last Monday evening’s swim, Clay Evans told me that I would swim faster and better if I breathed more frequently. This would allow more oxygen to enter my body and it would perform better. I missed a swim over the weekend because family was visiting, so I was eager to see how I would swim a week later using the technique. I prefer at least two swims per week so that my body doesn’t “forget” the motion of any particular exercise, and in the past, missing a weekend swim meant my SCAQ workout would be on the rough side.

I was happy to find out that didn’t happen this week. I used the technique and outperformed a few people who were using fins*. I felt strong for the entire swim, and I sped up over the course of the swim (hello negative split!). I do need to work on balancing the frequent breathing with my overall form; I’ve noticed that I get lazy on certain stroke elements, but I think I’m sold on having more oxygen.

The Workout:

  • 450 warm up
  • 4x50 kick alternate with 4x75 swim
  • 300, 2x200, 3x150, 4x100 free
  • 50 cool down

*I have been meaning to consider purchasing a pair of fins for some time. I should check in with the Coach next week about her opinion of them. I’m still not sure why people choose to use them. Stay tuned.