C19 Vax #1, a trip, and Form

The after times….they are coming! I was so happy to get my first C19 vaccination shot last week. I feel like 100 pounds have been lifted from my shoulders. Of course I still have to get shot number two, but that’s scheduled. Once that is safely in my arm and the two weeks have passed to create full efficacy, then I feel like I will officially be in the after times.

I also went on a short trip out of town! We headed up to south west Washington state where we have a house. I spent several days pruning fruit trees, berry vines, and a short row of grapes. I found out the grapes are pinot grigio, which means I’m growing summer water (LOL). While I was up there, I researched local swimming pool options and it seems like…there are none. Oh dear. I suppose that is a problem to think about once we are up there full time.

With the travel I have only swam twice each week, but twice is better than zero. The swims at Culver City continue to be less of a workout than the swims at El Segundo, but I’m going to take what I can get. I am very much looking forward to the City of LA opening their pool network because that will give me at least one swim per week where I can do my own thing. I can’t wait!

During yesterday’s swim, SCAQ’s founder and head coach Clay took a video of me swimming - it’s so cool to see it! I have been working hard on my form so seeing this was especially helpful. It made me realize that even though I think each arm is doing the same thing - bending and coming beneath my body before exiting the water - my left arm is the only arm actually doing that. My right is still heading straight down into the water. This is less efficient and Coach says it will cause long term should pain. I will keep at it…

Here is my left arm bent correctly and headed down under my body.

Here is my left arm bent correctly and headed down under my body.

Here is my right arm just going straight down through the water. It should be doing what my left arm did.

Here is my right arm just going straight down through the water. It should be doing what my left arm did.

WorkoutsAmanda Prevendar