It Was Meant to Be

I did not want to swim this evening. I spent the entire afternoon yawning, completely bored at work, and becoming disillusioned with my job and choice of career. It was hot out, and downtown Los Angeles was a quagmire of honking cars, annoyed pedestrians, errant scooter riders, and clogged intersections. I finally made it to the freeway and as traffic began to creep forward, I worked my way over the 5 lanes of traffic to get to the Hoover Street exit. I had about 3 seconds to make the decision: keep driving, or take the exit. I sighed, and veered off the freeway.

I parked and slowly walked onto campus and into the locker room to change. Once out on the deck, the sun was scorching hot and the pool the water polo team was in had the water aeration jets going to cool down the water; there was none of that in the dive pool we swim in.

I finally jumped in, and told myself to get through the warm-up and see what happened after that. I went for a 500 and, when finished, looked up to see if the coach had arrived. They had, and to my pleasure, the SCAQ head coach Clay Evans was there. After all of my hemming and hawing, I knew that my swim was going to be great; and it was.

  • 500 warm-up

  • 4 x 50 free

  • 4 x 25 kick

  • 100 kick

  • 4 rounds, 100, 50, 100 free, with 50 easy

  • 4 x 25 sprint

  • 2 rounds, 50 hard, 25 sprint, 50 hard, 25 easy
