It’s Official: My Fave Workout

I took a personal day today and treated myself to the 7:30 am SCAQ swim at the Culver City Plunge. And now it is official: the 7:30 am swims at Culver are my favorite workouts that SCAQ offers. The time is early enough so you get a workout taken care of first thing, but you wrap up around 9:00 am (after a shower and drive home) and that makes the morning feel so luxurious. I really need to find a job that lets me do this all the time…

I should add that the 10:00 am Saturday morning swims at the El Segundo Aquatic Center are a very close second. I am looking forward to starting those back up again now that my class is over; just need to get through two weekends of travel and then I’m back, baby!

  • 300 warm-up

  • 3 x 100 free, 3 x 50 kick

  • 3 rounds, 100 free, 150 free, 200 free

  • 10 x 50 free
