A Great Send-Off Swim

New job, who dis? Me!!! I think I have come to terms with shifting my swim schedule, and I’m grateful for that because I was in a great state-of-mind for a hard swim.


The sky was filled with floofy clouds in all shapes and sizes, the pool was warm, it was steamy, and I was so ready to go. The lane wasn’t that full, and I got to lead since I was the fastest swimmer in it, ha!

  • 300 warm-up

  • 2 rounds, 200 free and 100 kick

  • 100 IM

  • Ladder: 100 free, 50 easy, 200, 50, 300, 50, 400, 50

  • 200 free, 50 free

  • 100 cool-down

Sadly, I forgot my fins at the pool, but lost and found has them so all is well.