Monday Night SCAQ Swim

August 21, 2017

Tonight’s swim was quite challenging. After the warm-up I was feeling great, but then the first set included a 50 kick on an interval (1:00) that I couldn’t keep up with. This resulted in throwing me off for the rest of the set which I basically treated as a 900 free swim. After that we jumped in with the second set, and our final yardage count added up to a whopping 2,650 yards. Which was my longest swim in a good. Long. Time. I was tuckered out. As the photo above shows, I never had a chance to take my goggles off. I barely had time to think about anything except “SWIM SWIM SWIM”.

Yup. That’s pretty much it.

The Workout:

  • 350 warm-up
  • 4 rounds 50 kick, 75 free, 100 free
  • 200 free, 100 free, 200 free, 2 x 100 free, 200 free, 3 x 100 free, 200 free